Band in a Box Guitar Backing Tracks

BANGLES Manic Mondays (D)

BATTISTI Un Avventura (C)

BEATLES All My Loving (Bm)

BEATLES Come Together (A)

BEATLES Dizzy Miss Lizzy (D7)

BEATLES Drive My Car (E7)

BEATLES Here Comes The Sun (G)

BEATLES I Feel Fine (D7)

BEATLES I’m A Loser (C)

BEATLES Imagine (A)

BEATLES I’m Down (A7)

BEATLES I Saw Her Standing There (A)

BEATLES Kansas City (G)

BEATLES Kansas City (C) Lyrics Lrc

BEATLES Love Me Do (A) 

BEATLES Nowhere Man (C) 

BEATLES When I’m 64 (G)

BEATLES While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Em)birds-mr-tambourine-man-a-bb

BB KING The Thrill Is Gone (Em)

BB KING Kind Hearted Woman (E7)

BB KING Help The Poor (Dm)

BB KING Three O’ Clock In The Morning (G)

BLUES BROTHERS Sweet Home Chicago (C7)

BLUES BROTHERS Gimmie Some Loving (G)

BYRDS Mr. Tambourine Man (A)      (NEW)                                                                        

Band-in-a-Box Backing Tracks in different keys.


SGU BackingTracks


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5 thoughts on “B”

  1. Dear sir,
    would you please be kind enough to send me your biab file of BLUES BROTHERS Sweet Home Chicago
    thank you

  2. Hi, where I can obtain or how I can create the SGU file of Imagine-Beatles?
    I have the mp3. Is it posible to covert mp3 into sgu?

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